Why Tracking Compliance Records is Important and How to Do It.

Grace Clueit 5 min read

As an employer, it's your responsibility to minimise risk. In the workplace, it's up to you to protect your workers safety and productivity.

As an employer, it's your responsibility to minimise risk. In the workplace, it's up to you to protect your workers safety and productivity.

As an employer, it’s your responsibility to minimise risk. In the workplace, it’s up to you to protect your workers’ safety and productivity.

Minimising risk is a condition of doing business in Australia. In other words, you’re required to ensure the safest workplace possible and give your employees the proper training.

This puts a lot of pressure on employers — tracking progress, streamlining the onboarding process, disseminating policy updates. Health and safety is a lot to manage but ultimately necessary for important reasons.

Here, we’re exploring these essential reasons why tracking compliance is so important.

Certain Licences are Required

First and foremost, it’s important that you’re tracking your employees’ onboarding and training status because certain jobs require certain licences.

When you track employee compliance records, you can rest assured that you’re covered for insurance purposes. You’ll know exactly which tasks certains employees can safely complete and who has what certifications.

Keeping compliance records also allows you to stay on-top of renewals. That way, none of your employees are at risk of working with expired licences and documentation.

Not to mention, employee compliance tracking calms any liability concerns you might have in the event of an incident.

All in all, when you keep track of employee compliance, you’re covered.  

Audits and Safety Inspections

Third-party audits and safety inspections can be stressful for HR and workplace safety departments. But, if you know that your employee compliance records are tracked effectively, you won’t have to worry.

It makes these audits and inspections easier and less stressful because all your employee’s records are consistent and in one place. So, if you need to quickly find out whether a particular worker is meeting all their requirements, all it takes is a simple search through your database.

Compliance records can be stored more affectively.

Employee Induction and Renewal Tracking

Onboarding new employees is a mission in and of itself. But, when you track employee compliance records, you’ll know where new workers fall in the employee induction pipeline.

When you don’t have to worry about tracking your employees’ progress, you can focus on creating top-notch safety and compliance training instead of wasting time doing admin.

Plus, when you track employee induction, that means you’re also on top of when employees need refreshers or when it’s time to renew a certificate or licence. Never miss another expiry date with automated compliance tracking software!


Last but not least, keeping compliance records helps your company stay organised and on top of ever-changing policies.

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that health and safety protocols are constantly changing. So, good luck keeping your employees in the loop with the latest information without an organised employee compliance database.

By automating and streamlining the process, your company can run smoothly and safely no matter how much things change.

How to Track Employee Compliance Records

Clearly, it’s a good idea to track employee compliance records. But, what’s the best way to go about it?

Here are a few things to look for when choosing the best employee compliance tracking software for your company.

Self-Service Capabilities

Employee compliance is, generally, a huge weight on companies and HR teams. But, when you choose compliance software with self-service capabilities, a portion of the responsibility is transferred to the employee.

Choose a program that allows your workers to complete all their training in their own time, even before they arrive to their first day of work.

Clear, Straightforward Processes

Get rid of mundane admin work with an employee compliance system that offers straightforward processes.

Switching to an online database versus your old paper-based structure means your admin work is easier to manage and stays all in one place.

Categorisation Tools

Whether your organisation is a public enterprise, private company or not for profit, you’ll likely have some employees requiring one type of training and other employees requiring training that’s totally different. So, make sure the software you choose has categorisation tools to make sure the right people get the right courses.

Plus, you’ll want a system that has compatibility for both employee and contractor compliance.


Next, make sure the program you choose is customisable to match your brand and compliance needs.

You’ll also want the option to use either pre-made training content or your own courses and onboarding processes.


Lastly, the employee compliance tracking software you choose should be easy to use and time-saving.

With automation tools, you should be able to update your employees when new content is available, when their certifications are almost expired, or when they need to sign a form.

Automation means you’ll never miss a deadline and your life as an HR professional or workplace safety manager has never been better. In short, it means you can focus on other important matters.

Ready to streamline your employee compliance tracking? Check out Altora and explore all our amazing features.

Check out Altora and explore all our amazing features.

With our employee compliance tracking software, you’ll save time, stay organised, and enjoy stress-free audits knowing that your workers are up-to-date. Onboarding, re-training, and updating your employees has never been easier.

Get started with a free trial today!

Profile photo of Grace Clueit

This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.