A Q+A with our Lead Software Developer, Chris Rodgers

Grace Clueit 3 min read

Meet Chris, Altora's Lead Software Developer. Altora and our software wouldn't be where they are today without him, so we thought we'd shine a spotlight on Chris and his experience.

Meet Chris, Altora's Lead Software Developer. Altora and our software wouldn't be where they are today without him, so we thought we'd shine a spotlight on Chris and his experience.

Meet Chris, Altora’s Lead Software Developer. Altora and our software wouldn’t be where they are today without him, so we thought we’d shine a spotlight on Chris, his experience, and everything he brings to the team.

Altora Q+A with Chris Rodgers:

Can you share a bit about your background and how you got into development?

I studied multimedia software development at Swinburne Uni and after finishing my course I got a job in multimedia, creating online training courses. After years of making acceptable visual content, I realised my design skills could do with some improvement. But instead, I decided to transition into a developer focused role, where I could solve problems without the need to improve my design skills. Since then, I have remained in developer-based roles.

What has been your journey in the tech industry so far? Any pivotal moments?

Much of my tech journey so far has been within the web industry building web applications. After beginning in the world of Macromedia Flash creating highly interactive learning content which I continued with for several years thereafter. Until Apple decided to change everything. Once Steve Jobs made his mind up Flash was unstable and unsafe, the writing was on the wall. From this point I needed to pivot into other web-based technologies or risk being left behind.

What is your current role on the team, and what are your primary responsibilities?

I am a software developer, with my primary focus on developing the Altora product.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned since joining the team?

Take the time to learn the best way work with different individuals and utilise each of their strengths to gain the best outcome possible.

Can you describe a project you’ve worked on that you’re particularly proud of?

Working on the check-in system was an enjoyable process as it seemed to move at a decent pace from initial concept to its release. After its release, it allowed us to instantly offer our customers a broader solution which making the Altora platform more appealing overall. The interest and adoption were immediate, with largely positive feedback which helped validate that we had invested our time in the right direction. This feeling made all the effort worthwhile.

Get in touch

Contact Altora to find out more about our products and features. Our Product Specialist, Hamish Horvath, will be delighted to walk you through the process and give you a demo of how the system works.

Simply click here to get in contact and we will be in touch.

Profile photo of Grace Clueit

This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.