Discover why over one million people are using Altora for worker inductions

Grace Clueit 1 min read

The induction process can feel like a minefield. That's why we've developed innovative, exceptionally user-friendly and cost-effective software that will help you streamline your onboarding processes with ease.

The induction process can feel like a minefield. That's why we've developed innovative, exceptionally user-friendly and cost-effective software that will help you streamline your onboarding processes with ease.

Are complicated inductions slowing you down?

Altora has the answer… The induction process can feel like a minefield. That’s why we’ve developed innovative, exceptionally user-friendly and cost-effective software that will help you streamline your onboarding processes with ease .

With our induction software you can


✔️Induct your workers with ease online: Self registration and inductions at the click of a link along with SCORM courses, assessments and quizzes.

✔️Store copies of your workers training: Keep training records stored safely and centrally on file, keep track of refresher training that your workers are required to complete, and have access to comprehensive reporting and logs in real time .

✔️eSign management - policies and safety documentation: Ability for document management and forms and agreements to be signed electronically by workers .

✔️Essential tracking: Upload, track and file essential documents, plus receive automated notifications for document/licence renewals .

✔️Customisable training for contractors:

Integrate your training matrix with our System with pathways for training and compliance.

✔️Reporting and insights:

Comprehensive dashboard intel with automated, customisable scheduling and reporting.

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This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.