Benefits of online versus in-person training for employees

Grace Clueit 3 min read

Businesses are looking for ways to create more efficient and effective workplaces in this day and age of rapidly advancing technology and climate conc...

Businesses are looking for ways to create more efficient and effective workplaces in this day and age of rapidly advancing technology and climate conc...

Businesses are looking for ways to create more efficient and effective workplaces in this day and age of rapidly advancing technology and climate concerns. One way they can do this is by providing their employees with online rather than in-person or paper-based training. Not only does online training aid productivity, but it also saves costs for all parties. Here are some of the benefits of online over in-person training.

*1. Saves money for the organisation

The cost of the training can be high, especially for in-person, paper-based employee training programs. These are usually cost based on the number of employees attending each session, the resources needed, and the time it takes to complete each course module. With an online training system, there is no need to print out materials or have instructors travel from place to place, reducing training costs considerably. Online training creates cost efficiencies by reducing time spent on scheduling.

*2. Allows workers to learn at their own pace

Online training is convenient for employees and contractors as it allows them to review and absorb the course material at their own pace. They no longer have to spend extended periods away from their desks to complete in-person training. Online training can be completed anywhere on any digital device, at home or at work sites. While most businesses will have a deadline for in-person training to be completed, employees can split up more extensive courses into different modules and work through them when they have some spare time.

Another benefit is that online training allows the ability to retake the training at any time if required providing even more flexibility.

*3. Includes more interactivity and ensures

Online training courses are more interactive. The learner is required to interact with the material rather than just passively read it, which increases their retention of the information taught in the course. Interactive learning can be more engaging for employees as it allows them to engage with the topic at hand on an individualised level.

*4. Provides more accessibility and is scalable for any size of business

Online training can be accessed from anywhere; employees and contractors don’t need to leave their homes, office, or classroom to attend the training. This means that online training is more accessible than paper-based courses. People with disabilities can also benefit from this program because they are not required to travel to receive their education or certification.

Additionally, online training is easily scalable for any number of employees from small to large organisations.


.  Ensure consistent training and onboarding messaging

Online training allows for large organisations to control their training information and onboarding messaging to roll out to multiple locations. This ensures consistency in training across all locations for all employees and contractors.  Online training also has the capability to centrally record results and completion dates for record keeping.

Discover how Enable, a not-for-profit organisation saved five hours training time per employee using Altora’s online training capabilities. With all new support worker employees now completing inductions in 2 hours instead of the previous seven-hour time frame.

Profile photo of Grace Clueit

This article was written by Grace Clueit, Altora’s Marketing Manager. Grace has significant experience in marketing and writing.

This content was 100% human-created.